
  1. Film photography

    2018-08-12 19:02:50 UTC
    Before going to university I had never used a analogue camera. I had always used a digital camera, constantly shooting and not having to think about how many photographs I was taking as I could always delete any unwanted ones.  Learning about analogue photography I have increasing grown to enjoy…

  2. Do we believe the ocean is still blue ?

    2018-06-27 16:46:43 UTC
     I have been working on this project for the passed several months and I am excited to now show you the final photographs and discuss the process and research of this project Plastic pollution has become more apparent to society and the world. We were all moved by the television…

  3. India

    2018-05-23 15:46:00 UTC
    Welcome back ! Sorry I haven’t posted in ages but I have been really busy travelling and creating a new project which I will talk about in a new blog post. I have decided that I will post a blog each month In this blog post I am going to…

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